Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Feeling Somewhat Removed? Tune In to Your Inner Energy

Sometimes we feel somewhat removed -- from the present, from what is going on around us, from the direction we are moving in, even from the people we love.  That may be a signal that you are trying to resolve something in your life -- whether it be in your job, your family, your personal growth.  As you work through your thoughts and feelings, be deliberate and use these times to tune into your creativity, your imagination, your motivations -- the result can be an awakening of your inner energy. In fact, your feeling of being somewhat 'removed' may be because you are blocking your energy source.  As a result you are likely sapping and draining your energy, whereas it would be more beneficial to use it to feel stronger and clearer!

Once you've tapped into this secret source of gold, you will see why many people use meditation to connect with it.